Formation pressure elimination

KUBIC-FLUX helps pressure equilibrate the formation when gauges are isolated but can also be used to create an under-balance across a cement plug or for barrier integrity checks.
KUBIC-FLUX helps pressure equilibrate the formation when gauges are isolated but can also be used to create an under-balance across a cement plug or for barrier integrity checks.
Metrol have designed a system for introducing a temporary under balance in an isolated zone by wirelessly opening an atmospheric chamber to the formation pressure.
This overcomes the problem of trying to monitor pulse and interference tests in a zone which has been over pressured and/or has the perforations effected or blocked by pressurised mud cake.
KUBIC-FLUX is run in the shut position with any number of sections of empty tubing which act as an atmospheric chamber. When required the wireless signals are sent via the PARAGON wireless Relays to fire and open KUBIC-FLUX. When KUBIC-FLUX is opened the mud cake in the perforations is displaced by the sudden drop in pressure.
Therefore any over pressure at the formations is eliminated allowing Metrol OCULUS "talking" wireless gauges to respond and record the interference pulses and small pressure changes at the reservoir formation.